Monticello High School Prom
Monticello High School Prom photos at the high school 2:30-4 p.m. preceeding Grand March; at the dance in St. Cloud.
Big Lake High School Prom
Big Lake High School prom photos at River City Extreme
Starz Dance
Starz Dance group and individual photos at the studio
Starz Dance
Starz Dance group and individual photos at the studio
Big Lake family portrait on KARE 11's "Showcase Minnesota"
The Minor family of Big Lake was featured among professional portraits from around Minnesota on KARE 11's "Showcase Minnesota" last month. Twin Cities area photographer David Grupa served as spokesperson for the Minnesota Professional Photographers Association in a television studio interview with Rob Hudson.

All Aboard! Full Northstar train makes inaugural run to Minneapolis
The first Northstar Commuter Rail train to pick up passengers arrived Saturday at the Big Lake station. Photos documenting the inaugural run from Big Lake, Minnesota, to the Target Field Station in Minneapolis are available to view and purchase. Go to www.lommelphotography.com and click the link to "online orders."