Big Lake family portrait on KARE 11's "Showcase Minnesota"
The Minor family of Big Lake was featured among professional portraits from around Minnesota on KARE 11's "Showcase Minnesota" last month. Twin Cities area photographer David Grupa served as spokesperson for the Minnesota Professional Photographers Association in a television studio interview with Rob Hudson.
Dan, Stacy and their sons Jake and Luke posed with Dan's Chevelle as part of their summertime portrait session at Chris Lommel Photography, located between Big Lake, Monticello and Becker Minnesota. The family of avid car enthusiasts owns and operates Dan's of Big Lake. "When I work with families, children and high school seniors, I like to tell a story in pictures about their lives, relationships and interests," said Photographer Chris Lommel. "Having Dan's pride and joy muscle car in the family photo was a natural choice."
The Minnesota Professonal Photographers Association (MNPPA) serves professional photogaphers with educational resources and events, marketing, fellowship opportunities and more. Lommel serves as second year director on the MNPPA Executive Board.